Many of these photos can no longer be found on the web - they
represent my collection for my own modelling use with thanks
(and apologies, if necessary!) to those who collected
them. - David Woodhead
The finished 1963 Max Gray model in On3:
New drivers by John Pilling, spoked trailing truck wheels, new
motor by Art Midwood,
and added cab bezel half-rounds. Tsunami2, Keep-Alive and speaker.
An unusual in-service photo of Hoosac Tunnel and Wilmington #3
The Max Gray model, as purchased.
Underside view, Max Gray model
The rectifier for directional headlight control in the Max Gray
Likely for the Philadelphia Exposition, 1876
Shoo Fly photo 1
Shoo Fly photo 2
Riviere Du Loup Railway
In transit for the New Brunswick Railway
Fn3 model by David Fletcher, articles apparently appeared in
"Narrow Gauge Downunder" in 2009.